Nota bibliografului. Conversia scrierilor nelatine
Mihai Cimpoi. Turnul dorului
Stanislav Rassadin.  Copacii cântă cu păsările
Olguța Caia.  De la Bădița din Humulești - la Bădița din Chișinău
Vlad Ciubucciu. Strămoșii lui Guguță cel Bun
Dumitru Vacariu. O candelă cu flacără de aur
Grigore Vieru. Tu știi
Dragă nene Spiridon Vangheli: scrisori de la copii
Din confesiunile scriitorului
Tabel cronologic
Mihai Cimpoi. The tower of Homesickness
Stanislav Rassadin.  The trees sing with the birds
Dear uncle Spiridon Vangheli
Biographical information on Spiridon Vangheli
În original
În alte limbi
Lucrări scrise în colaborare
Înregistrări pe disc
Filme cu desene animate
Emisiuni televizate

Mihai Cimpoi


In the medieval tales for children the fairies reward the virtues and punish the bad deeds. They, the fairies, know very well the limits between good and bad, beauty and ugly, putting in high categories honesty, obedience, disgrace and disobedience. Those who are decorous are given the power, as Perrault remarks in the foreword of his book „Basmele" (The Tales), to get a pearl for a word and those who are cheeky — a frog and an urchin. While the Greeks and Latins tried to full their tales with a clear morality and the Middle Ages, who preferred the fairytales hiding the morality in the narratives charm, the writer of our century announce their inclina-tion for story-tale, in which the miraculous and the real concrete claim themselves the same rights. The fairies disappeared, the deeds took the place for reward and punish, without any special didactic accents and the transportation of the whole action in the sphere of miraculous. The accent in the poetics of cultured tale is moved to the generality of concrete. The fantastic helps him there where the concrete is not able, that is in the minutes in which he is conquered by the dream. Ciubotei is not more ingenious as Guguță, but he dreams and tries to do more. The first is a hero of a modern tale, the second a hero of a story who explores the convențional.
Spiridon Vangheli made his debut with ballads, a style where the concrete has epic and legendary sizes: to get rid of Turkish invasion the wine grower carried the cradle in the vineyard for growing up a new generation of outlaws; in the work „Șalul verde" (The Green Shawl) the convențional element seems more daring, but even here mother reaches the Court of the sun that is also on the earth; but in the work „Balada plugarului" (The Ploughman's Ballad) we have the most earthen image of the ballad cycle: „And Ion left and that was all / He hâd no time to be Newton / Neither Columbus and nor Copernicus / He held the plough by the horns / To feed the people of the world". „Generally speaking, Vangheli — George Meniuc was mentioning in his wishes for the departure — is thinking a lot over cornmon, simple things to be found around the mân of long ago".
From the debut to the „Pantalonia — țara năstrușnicilor", where the adventure reappears with all its devilish beginning of the childhood, Spiridon Vangheli didn't affect the ordinary and the simplicity — two of the biggest categories of the child­hood. Ciubotei, Guguță and Titirică don't need miraculous world — royal palaces, castles, islands of treasures — but just a thread of starlight, a young beauty Moon and a tower of homesickness for joining the tines and the adults who are away from home. Ir1 s enough for them a modest Răut's valley with water till knees, with lonely trees which decided to grow up, with cherries from which at a pinch they can filch as Nică a lui Ștefan a Petrei.
Concrete elements are saturated with poems. They have their story, their legen-dary life, so that the first snowfall on the grain's field reveals deep historical roods: Voievode Ștefan is sitting in a house surrounded by his soldiers Mircea cel Bătrân, Mihai Viteazul, Făt-Frumos and Eminescu, Creangă, Barbu Lăutaru. We can say that Spiridon Vangheli's ballads work up the concrete's vitality.
The buds break out, the flowers undo, the green pigments, the sweet twigs grow, the day combines brotherly with the night, preparing the morning freshness of their solar front: .. .Rise, sun, rise/ A cherry-tree/ Has blossomed/ Last night!/
It is necessary to speak here about a relationship between children's folklore and generally methods of popular ballads?
It is an obsession of starlight, of white in general, in the whole Spiridon Vangheli's creation. The snowfalls căușe long moments of poetical dreaming, they bring the magic sleep of childhood: „Towards evening it began to snow. Large snow flakes that Guguță hâd never seen before were falling on the ground.
When it became dark, the ground became lily-white. Guguță hâd waited by the window still much time for the snowfall to stop — till his mother found him fast asleep late at night, with a button in his hand".
In the work „Steaua lui Ciubotei" the whole universe gets start from snow. AII the personages of tale are made of snow: aunt Dalba, uncie Dalbu and Ucu. It is a deep, poetical meaning in this alliance between children and the snow creatures, which the spring transforms in the creatures of beauty. Sun's sister appears where the aunt Dalba stayed: „father hâd put some barrels in the shed: the one who came to see it hâd to bathe first — well, he was going to see the Sun's sister! Those with the carts would stop by the well and threw one or two buckets of water on horses. The others washed their cars very well and only one had left his bla-a-ack and greasy tractor God knows where on the road and he came on foot. It was he who was given the largest barrel. The women bathed at home and were coming in a hurry: first, to see the Sun's sister and then to bring clean linen, because their husbands couldn't get out of the shed".
Matures pass in Spiridon Vangheli's prose through the childhood's purgatory Guguță's and Ciuboțel's cleverness bring them in the sphere of the first purity. The moral meaning of the episode with Sun's sister is that the beauty gets start from the dream's purity. Ghiocica is the first embodiment of such a law.
The little heroes don't find any more ingenious solutions or overturn the situa-tions in their favour: they have their point of view about the world, they ask for an autonomous statute, full of a special charm.
Thus, the rule of the game is required to the matures demeanour.
It is a strong result of democratisation: the little ones are gifted with wisdom, but the adults are engaged in the game. Any act of adjusts from the adults part is repaired by children themselves, more than that the adults are obliged to make themselves childish in the whole sense of the word. The adults have to learn from the children — have wrote the prosewriter in „Tânărul leninist", this being the leit motif of the whole written: Guguță not only makes a desk, hides children under his fur cap, makes a swing from wells sweep or travels with the water-butt on the imaginary waters, but he teaches his mother to drive the bicycle, he takes the revenge on the hairdresser, he pulls out all the village at the sledging; Ciubotei doesn't play only from joy with snowmen, he proves to people the sense of spiritual purity.
Why do Guguță's, Ciuboțel's and Trică's feats thrill us? These feats can be trans-formed in amusing detectives and not else, if they would be only epic. The person-alities light of the child are projected in them. They are a continuation of the dream and a sublimation in the concrete context of the life. The games logically combines at the epic in epic and aesthetic. The aunt Dalba as Sky"s sister transforms, of course in Sun's sister.
The Tower of homesickness is unreasonable and frighten people to death, but is a point of souls communication, of distance's reduction. The nonsense gets an impor­tant meaning. This is the tale's secret, which is hidden in Spiridon Vangheli's written.
"It was snowing.
When he came back from the farm, the longing hop-hop-hop followed his tracks back home, and as Ciubotei entered the courtyard, he started missing his mother again.
—Tuca, uca, o? Why are you so sad? — asked aunt Dalba.
—Because I am so small and I can't see my mother from home... I wish I were as
tall as that tree. I would walk around and mother would see me from the farm.
There is not any psychological distance between the child's wish and its realisa-tion, it is a convențional one which can be immediately destroyed by a game. With the help of the snow-boys, the lilliputian, and the dog Faraon the tower is being built in one night from rocks and cob: „the tower was so high that at moonlight you couldn't see its top from below".
The game is self-sufficient. It means a dream with all its chances. All the elements: children, animals, plants, stars fraternise and make up a whole universe. The dog called Faraon, the stork — Haralamb, Ghiocica, the cloud named Gavril, the butterfly — Chirii, the bee called Măriuța, the whelp of snail — Culăieș, Steluța, the snowboy named Ucu, the swallow — Pachița and the cat — Tecla are ethnical inventory of childhood's universe, as it can be seen from the work „Steaua lui Ciubotei" (Ciuboțel's Star). Ciuboțel's adventures are collective, his „helping assistants" are always by him. The child cannot be insular, his ego being strong pointed out and in the same time (he) socialised in his duds. This is one more truth that proves us Spiridon Vangheli's prose.
The child's world is intricate, the big constructive upsurges coexisting with the devilish starts of adventure. Guguță is the son of a good faith, Ciubotei is the son of the dream and the melancholy, Titirică is the creation of proclivity to prank: he is a little demon of evil, a Mephisto of childhood. Jules Renard, contradicting Hugo's notion about the angel child, pleads for renewal of children's literature in which we must expel the mawkishness: „Not the child who tells funny stories, but the child who thrust his nails in all the things which seem to be soft. The parent must be always busy taking all these things from him".
The adults influence the sweet child and the oldish child.
Titirică is a prankboy who fascinates us. His deeds are full of childhood's charm. These deeds retum to him like a boomerang. Spiridon Vangheli agrees the moralis-ing too. He just tries to show us the comic part and the real meaning of the deed, of child's point of view. The morality is replaced by cunning look in the eyes and fairies punish the prank.
Titirică is an anti — Guguță and an anti — Ciubotei, he is not a tale hero any more. His deeds are absolute real, his humour is a sweet wave of sentimentalism. He is the single sign of childhood, the truthfulness being the most important thing.
The short story „Cum și-a făcut Titirică statue" (How Titirică Made His Statue) is full of a pleasant humour. While Ciubotei builds a tower of melancholy, the new hero of Spiridon Vangheli fancies and builds a statue, proves that he is a more accented „vanity" than the other two: „Not the child who tells witty jokes, but the one who thrusts his nails in all the things which seem to be fragile in his opinion. The parent must be always concerned in withdrawing them out".
While the best solution is found, appears the penalty, his frisk ends with a sad failure: „And as he was standing on the tree-stump — hooshtyuliuc! — pours on his foot a bucket of alabaster mixed with water and cement.
The foot of the monument appeared to look great. Now, the people stopped to look in astonishment at him, especially when the alabaster became solidified and started to yell:
— Ouch!"
Titirică is the hero who proves us that Spiridon Vangheli considers the child as a complex reality. This explains us the attitude of readers all over the world. The book „Isprăvile lui Guguță" (Guguță's Feats) was translated in more than 40 lan-guages. „Steaua lui Ciubotei" (Ciuboțel's Star) and „Pantalonia-țara năstrușnicilor" (Pantalonia — the Country of the Cranks) appeared in very many countries. The last one was recognised in 1989 as the best book of the year.
„Pantalonia" is called in the title as „the country of the cranks". „Pantalonia" appears as a world of strânge people and strânge adventures under the sigh of extravagance, of prodigy that defies the trite and the ordinary. The stories about Guguță contain something near to natural, to real, those about Ciubotei include some semi-fantastic elements; in „Pantalonia..." the real things interfere with fan-tastical. The whole universe is childish here: clouds, stars, sun, birds.
It is an anti-gulliverical and anti-hyperbolical vision, the sizes of this universe are diminished twice: we have here dwarves and their children; otherwise — people — children and their children. The child doesn't only correct this world, but also makes up another world. The whole universe appears here as an immense scene of childhood full of purity. Love, friendship, life, and death are presented here from child's point of view. Not the writer is that who relates to the child, as usually, but the child is that who understands and tells to the writer, to children, to adults. Here the writer's intuition has dictated the necessity not only of a personage (as Guguță and Ciubotei), but of a collective of children (children adults, children — children). „Pantalonia" is not made up, as the villages „Trei Iezi" or „Turturica" around an axial personage, but is formed by all the children-personages who are all axial. It is a story and an universe with many axis.
There is a fright, in all this stories, not to lose childhood's values; its statute of a real paradise:
"Cucumber the Great would nudge Cucumber the Small saying: Hey, Wake up! Wake up and look at the world around ycm as you are going to become an old mân tonight!"
The retort is suggestive and the prose-writer overturns the situation thus the Childhood to triumph: the shoemaker become doctor treating all around, a nightin-gale with blunted wings of fly searching its £hicks was brought home on the wings of its chicks; the two hunters with their eyes runt their own Pig but they divide it two parts in accordance with their concord; Bear"s candy the remedy searched by the Queen is made by the Big Dwarf from ordinary candies hanging them up on the mill's wings. The dwarves make to win the Good and the Truth using clever strate-gies. They take under control King's and lubberly-dwarves' cunning and rashness.
"Pantalonia" is written with a bright fantasy, with lyricism and is full of unfore-seeable.
Spiridon Vangheli dedicated all his life and activity to children. He is the writer that learnt narrative art for the little one, improving the short stories, miniature and tales. He translated the famous world children writers and worked out many schoolbooks.
The Honour Andersen Diploma (1974), the state Prise of the Republic (1980); the State Prise of Soviet Union (1988), the Title of the People's Writer (1992), and the Prise of Romanian Academy (1996) were established for our good modern moldavian written for children.
While Ciuboțel's locality is the village with star, Spiridon Vangheli is the mân born under the lucky star of childhood.